My World Through A Sapphire Kaleidoscope

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Birds of the same feather...

...flock together.

Is it human beings' very own nature to split into different cliques? Cliques exist everywhere in the society. Between the cliques, there is always disagreement. And the main cause of such disagreement is always the endless gossips and rumours.

Why can't everyone mind their own life instead of discussing about other people's? (This applies to me as well.)

The world would be a MUCH better place, if everyone could just mind their own businesses. Like George Bush can just stop being a busy body, freeing the Iraqis from the evil regime of a cruel dictator, and start putting more concern on the American teenagers, who generally lack moral values in life. Then there will be no war. Our dream of world peace could be achieved.

Whoa...I think I really shouldn't be bothered by other people's problems anymore and start worrying about things which are more important, such as my coursework......


John Locke was so wrong about men having the natural ability to govern themselves in his Social Contract theory. Because my next door neighbours obviously do not own that ability. Singing...No, I mean, screaming CNY songs with the loudest and most irritating voice ever without considering other people's right to a quiet environment for studying, blogging or sleeping purposes, is certainly a public nuisance. If these people were to be expected to govern themselves, everyone will be living in Hell soon......

Wait a minute. Did I say "soon"? Shouldn't have said that, 'cause we are already in one.


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