My World Through A Sapphire Kaleidoscope

Monday, July 23, 2007

A mere feeling of comfort...

Sue May and I just had an interesting conversation few minutes ago. Our conversations always surround the complications of relationship matters, but this one...I just have an urge to write this down somewhere. I don't know who will read this. And I know the possibility is the person whom I really want to hide this from will read this first. But I don't care. Hey, if you are reading this now, I just wanna say, "It's not like you don't know anyway". Yeah, I mean you.

saPpHirEGurL효선 says:
dunno la
saPpHirEGurL효선 says:
nowadays i always kacau him in the library
saPpHirEGurL효선 says:
he will go at 8 or 9
saPpHirEGurL효선 says:
then i'll be there at around 12 after running around for the review
saPpHirEGurL효선 says:
n i'll keep kacau him to go lunch
saPpHirEGurL효선 says:
every time he'll say he doesn't want to eat
saPpHirEGurL효선 says:
but i'm so sure once he sees me eating he'll go order

baby's manja pot says:
baby's manja pot says:
sound like an old married couple
saPpHirEGurL효선 says:
sometimes i'll be the kid....keep kacau....he'll say "okok....going to be done...."
saPpHirEGurL효선 says:
saPpHirEGurL효선 says:
but i think he's always the kid.....
saPpHirEGurL효선 says:
makes me sound like a mum now

saPpHirEGurL효선 says:
sigh...we seem so comfortable with each other
saPpHirEGurL효선 says:
but maybe that's the problem
saPpHirEGurL효선 says:
we need more than the mere feeling of comfort

baby's manja pot says:
baby's manja pot says:
maybe u need more than the feeling of comfort
baby's manja pot says:
and he's just fine with the current situation
saPpHirEGurL효선 says:
not necessarily
saPpHirEGurL효선 says:
from another point of view
saPpHirEGurL효선 says:
this feeling of comfort is enough for me to love him
saPpHirEGurL효선 says:
but it's not enough for him to love me

baby's manja pot says:
baby's manja pot says:
i don't understand
baby's manja pot says:
baby's manja pot says:
i'll accept that

Thanks for not understanding but accepting, Sue May. I do not understand it myself. But since I've said I can afford to wait until my 22nd birthday, I guess I have about one year and five months to try to understand. Wish me luck in that. Unless you think i'm better off giving up on understanding and start looking for alternative before my 21st birthday. Hahaha!


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