Happy family
Am gonna post some pics of me and my family during the trip to Melaka.
At the Equatorial Hotel:
Yup, that's my family. Mom and dad, my younger brother and sister. My younger brother just finished his SPM. My sister's 15 this year. She's a slow-learner (caused by brain damage) and is diagnosed with allergy to all food containing wheat. When she eats food like bread and noodles, it all turns into fat bcoz her digestive system is not working.
I reckon my parents should have sued the hospital where she delivered my sister while they still could. It was all the hospital's fault. Or it really was Tenaga National's fault. There was a blackout in the hospital when my mom was half-way delivering my sis. It was a mere 5 mins but when the lights came back, she had already turned blue due to lack of oxygen and according to the doc, that lack of oxygen was what caused the brain damage......
Pfuit! Who am I kidding? It's like impossible to sue a hospital staff for negligence in our country (the government likes burying stuff too much), much less a privatised, government-sponsored company.
I don't know how many times I have said and would be saying this, but life is SO unfair.
yeah it is true tat life is unfair...that's y we hav to cherish everythg whic we had... =)
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