My World Through A Sapphire Kaleidoscope

Monday, July 30, 2007

Love could sometimes be destructive

I have not a clue what the hell am I thinking staying up at this time, blogging, when my mooting assessment is at 8.30 a.m. later today.

Perhaps it's the gastric I'm having now. Perhaps it's the anxiety of mooting; insomnia kicking in. Perhaps it's the fear of dreaming that I flunked something in my finals.

But I guess I'm just too heartbroken to feel sleepy. The pain is so unbearable, that the rest of my organs stopped functioning. It's a miracle that I'm still breathing.

I told Ingrid, I don't know what have I done wrong in my life to deserve this. She said blame it on the fact that I'm too much of an iron lady. I can pretty much handle everything on my own. Thus the only thing I can't handle, is relationship.

Could that be the reason? Am I really too strong and too intimidating a girl to be loved? I kept asking myself this. Maybe it is him who is weak. But if this is true, how many guys out there could take up the challenge? Better yet, is there ANY?

I guess there was. My ex. Hahaha! Suddenly I appreciate his courage and his tolerance when he was with me. Must have been tough.

But it couldn't be. I'm not strong. Not at all. I cry in my bed every single day. My heart is broken. How could a heartbroken crybaby be strong???

Yes, I'm a perfectionist. I wanna be perfect. I wanna make things perfect. But I never asked for people around me to be perfect, nor that I ever asked them to make things perfect for me. I never asked for you to be perfect. Most important of all, I never asked for us to be perfect. Where is the pressure, I ask you?

Was it just an excuse? Not to me, but yourself?

If it was an excuse, I don't expect you to tell me the truth, since you seldom do anyway. But please, stick to your excuse and try lying to yourself wholeheartedly. Coz when you only do that half-heartedly, I couldn't make myself believe your lie. And trust me, it's already to a point where I'd be more than happy to think we were never meant for each other and will never be.

Because I'm too tired, too hurt to continue. I never knew loving someone would exhaust your soul. It's been a long time I neither laughed nor smiled from my heart. I could only cry from it because I cannot believe what a fool I am, for loving you this much.

Monday, July 23, 2007

A mere feeling of comfort...

Sue May and I just had an interesting conversation few minutes ago. Our conversations always surround the complications of relationship matters, but this one...I just have an urge to write this down somewhere. I don't know who will read this. And I know the possibility is the person whom I really want to hide this from will read this first. But I don't care. Hey, if you are reading this now, I just wanna say, "It's not like you don't know anyway". Yeah, I mean you.

saPpHirEGurL효선 says:
dunno la
saPpHirEGurL효선 says:
nowadays i always kacau him in the library
saPpHirEGurL효선 says:
he will go at 8 or 9
saPpHirEGurL효선 says:
then i'll be there at around 12 after running around for the review
saPpHirEGurL효선 says:
n i'll keep kacau him to go lunch
saPpHirEGurL효선 says:
every time he'll say he doesn't want to eat
saPpHirEGurL효선 says:
but i'm so sure once he sees me eating he'll go order

baby's manja pot says:
baby's manja pot says:
sound like an old married couple
saPpHirEGurL효선 says:
sometimes i'll be the kid....keep kacau....he'll say "okok....going to be done...."
saPpHirEGurL효선 says:
saPpHirEGurL효선 says:
but i think he's always the kid.....
saPpHirEGurL효선 says:
makes me sound like a mum now

saPpHirEGurL효선 says:
sigh...we seem so comfortable with each other
saPpHirEGurL효선 says:
but maybe that's the problem
saPpHirEGurL효선 says:
we need more than the mere feeling of comfort

baby's manja pot says:
baby's manja pot says:
maybe u need more than the feeling of comfort
baby's manja pot says:
and he's just fine with the current situation
saPpHirEGurL효선 says:
not necessarily
saPpHirEGurL효선 says:
from another point of view
saPpHirEGurL효선 says:
this feeling of comfort is enough for me to love him
saPpHirEGurL효선 says:
but it's not enough for him to love me

baby's manja pot says:
baby's manja pot says:
i don't understand
baby's manja pot says:
baby's manja pot says:
i'll accept that

Thanks for not understanding but accepting, Sue May. I do not understand it myself. But since I've said I can afford to wait until my 22nd birthday, I guess I have about one year and five months to try to understand. Wish me luck in that. Unless you think i'm better off giving up on understanding and start looking for alternative before my 21st birthday. Hahaha!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

I think I have a tendency to steal...

...from others. Anything. Everything.

Sometimes it's not like I want to steal. I just always end up in situations where people force things which are not mine into my hands, and make me look like I'm stealing.

Sometimes I don't even possess what they accused me of stealing. You know how pathetic that is? I don't have a defence. At least I should get the compensation. But nope. I'm not that lucky.

I've never intended to steal in the first place. When you advised me not to do that, I was like, "Steal? How? I don't even know how to steal!"

Which is why I think, it's never going to be mine. Coz I'm too soft-hearted to know how to steal. I'm never going to be able to stab a person's heart without sustaining a deep cut on my own hand. I realised this when I hurt the person who loved me.

Ingrid said something really meaningful that day. She said it's not easy to "be willing to give up a person who loves you, for a person who is not willing to love you".

I don't see it as courage though. It is never a positive thing to hurt someone, especially one who loved you with all his heart. I see this as punishment. It is a gift from God when you have someone who loves you, which is why if you do not cherish but choose to forgo this happiness, you will get your punishment. You will be doomed to become the gift for someone else, who will never cherish you...

The more I figured out, the more I do not understand. I see no reason why things happened the way they did. Maybe you needed more than a mere feeling of comfort...

Sorry, I don't know what crap I'm talking about. Haven't been blogging in a long, long time. It'll be easier to understand next time, I suppose.